It was all anyone was talking about -- real "social media." The press coverage of the event and the young marriage might have actually be connected to the glossy magazine obsession I had through all of the eighties. Am I the only girls forever scared to be photographed in a skirt after this? |
And then there were the paper dolls... |
It was only after I had booked spring break tickets to London -- to catch a few shows in the West End (Keira Knightly in The Children's Hour and Allison Steadman in Blythe Spirit) and visit with friends, too -- that I realized I will be only be missing the upcoming royal nuptials by about a week. +Canadian+interest+monarchy/3873760/story.html | 0486483789/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1300061291&sr=1-1-spell |
Uh, Wendy, you are not the only one paranoid about being photographed in a skirt. I thought I was the only one.