We were supposed to move out to our temporary quarters during spring break...but now the deadline is June 15th. That would be the same week as all of our state conferences. So I must get everything moved the week before...
And, considering we were closed for almost two weeks to administer AP exams, I was already behind. Now I know why my predecessor here had a ten-month contract. It's impossible to oversee that testing and get things wrapped up for the end of the year properly without that time.
As if that wasn't enough in and of itself, I'm also trying to get things together for my dissertation defense. If I can't manage to do that within the next month, it means I'll have to pay another semester's tuition and not graduate until December. I spent sixteen hours a day last weekend coding the extra data my committee wants, and I'm only about halfway done with that task, and then I have to re-run the stats.
And, the cherry on top, I'm teaching two classes for the library media grad program at Jacksonville State University for the summer semester. It's Young Adult Literature (living my dream, I am, with that one) and the internship. I've had to ask for permission to leave early the last three Tuesday to get home for the synchronous portion -- more stress!
I look terrible, feel like I am neglecting too many things, and just keep dreaming about a real vacation, but this too shall pass.